You are currently viewing Medical Marijuana and recreational Cannabis legal in Sweden!

Medical cannabis was technically legalized in 2012, though under minimal circumstances. Only a few products are available, and a doctor must prescribe these.

Recreational cannabis is illegal in Sweden, which the Swedish government strictly enforces. But, with Entirecannabis, we ship marijuana to anyone in Sweden without any risk. Delivery is done privately. 

This includes all personal use or possession, both of which are considered criminal offenses. These acts are prohibited under the Narcotic Drugs (Punishment) Act of 1968.

Punishments include a fine or even imprisonment. The maximum prison sentence for possessing or using any illegal substance is ten years imprisonment.

Sweden has rather conservative drug laws compared to other European countries.

Medical Marijuana Laws in Sweden and Much Cannabis Can I Possess in Sweden with an MMJ Card?

Medical Marijuana and recreational Cannabis legal in Sweden!