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Buy Etizolam Powder Online


Buy etizolam research chemicals online!

Etizolam, a thienodiazepine derivative, is approved for the management of anxiety disorders associated with depression, panic disorder and insomnia.

CAS:    40054-69-1
Formula:   C17H15ClN4S
Molecular weight:   342.07
Compound purity:   99.7%
Appearance:    Powder


Buy Etizolam Powder Online, Buy Etizolam research chemicals online

Buy Etizolam Powder Online, Etizolam is a legal designer chemical or research chemical, Bella Chem Store is legit chemicals vendor and suppliers providing Etizolam research chemicals for 5 years. by purchasing at our online shop site you will get a safe and easy shopping experience because this is where to buy research chemical in USA Europe UK Nederland Canada research chemical sources. please feel free buy it from us

More information about Etizolam

The metabolic rate of the medical treatment is mainly within the liver while using drug obtaining a biological half information on 6.2 hrs as well as the primary metabolite you get one-half information on 8.2 hrs. Excretion is simply by the kidney route.

Thienodiazeoines, for instance, etizolam bind for the same site at GABAa as a benzodiazepine, Others from the drug class include metizolam and deschloroetizolam.

More information about Etizolam

An average side-aftereffect of extended term usage is blepharospasm or perhaps the involuntary twitching in the eyelid.

As they are the problem with benzodiazepines, etizolam produces dependence with extended term usage. Rapid withdrawal may offer an acute and negative syndrome known as benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

Signs and signs and symptoms include disturbance rest, elevated anxiety, tension, panic attacks, tremor, sweating, impaired concentration, states of confusion, difficulty thinking, memory impairment, nausea and dry retching, weight reduction, headache, palpitations, muscular discomfort in addition to hallucinations, psychosis, and seizures.


withdrawal symptom can be very severe and provide significant impairment on quality of existence. Signs and signs and symptoms within the acute stages along with a couple of lingering for quite some time. These adverse signs and signs and symptoms don’t disappear in the reliable monotonic manner.

Etizolam can be a prescription medication rather than for recreational usage.

It is a substance of abuse, however. Unverifiable online reports claim cognitive outcomes of anxiety suppression, disinhibition, amnesia, excitement, suppression of emotion and potentiation of dreams.

Users may act on the perception that they are sober if this is not the problem, It provides a low toxicity in compliance with dose buy should not be along with other depressive agents like alcohol, GBH/ GBL or opioids. Such combinations might be lethal

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Product Quantity

10G, 15G, 20G, 50G, 100G, 200G, 500G, 1KG


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