Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious and sometimes lifelong health condition that triggers a series of symptoms, which can become catastrophic. According to the National Multiple Slcerosis society, an estimated 1…
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Could a plant that was introduced to the United States by its early dwellers be q possible cure for people with epilepsy today? Marijuana (Cannabis sativa, indica and hybrid) has…
How marijuana can be used to Control Epileptic seizures
According to Business Insider, the majority of American citizens largely support the legalization of medical marijuana. Statistics show that at least 84% of the public believes marijuana should be legalized…
Low back pain is caused by injury to a muscle (strain) or ligament (sprain). Common causes include improper lifting, poor posture, lack of regular exercise, fracture, ruptured disk, or arthritis.…
Low back pain
PTSD and Insomnia, what rule can cannabis play? A lot of things have been said about marijuana in relation to treating PTSD and Insomnia. What a lot of people ask…
If you have PTSD and Insomnia, Can Cannabis help?
Recreational Marijuana customers often end up using cannabis these days. Recreational customers often end up using cannabis for pain and insomnia. The consumers who used cannabis for pain relief often…
Study shows everyone is using Marijuana medically these days.
Even people with the most stubborn insomnia can find their escape to the dream world with a nice sedating indica. While most consumers are aware that cannabis can help you get…
10 Things to Know About Cannabis and Sleep
Crohn’s Disease is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract that can affect any part of the GI tract, from the mouth to the rectum, although it may skip certain…
Best strains for Crohn’s Disease
Chronic pain is often defined as any pain lasting more than 12 weeks. Whereas acute pain is a normal sensation that alerts us to possible injury, chronic pain is very…
What is Chronic Pain?
After federal agents denied citizenship to two immigrants who worked in the legal marijuana industry, the mayor of Denver, Colorado is speaking out. In a new letter addressed to mayors…
Denver Mayor Urges Cities to Protect Immigrants in Legal cannabis Industry
Fibromyalgia is a difficult condition to live with, but as we’ve learned from Entirecannabis reviewers, cannabis can offer respite. It makes sense when you look at some of the symptoms…
Best Cannabis Strains for Fibromyalgia
Chronic pain can be an incredibly debilitating condition. For many who live with it on a daily or near daily basis, the condition can be so oppressive, it affects…
Cannabis Better for Chronic Pain Than Opioids
The Most Common Reason Given for Medical Marijuana Prescription is Chronic Pain Statistics have shown that most people who have applied for medical marijuana programs cite chronic pain as…
The Most Common Reason Given for Medical Marijuana Prescription is Chronic Pain
CBD Works Better With a Little THC with no high involved We wrote an article called Desperately Seeking CBD that profiled several families who either broke the law or moved…
CBD Works Better With a Little THC
What is Moon Rocks? Moon Rocks made from our special organic Girls scout Cookies, combine with pure marijuana oil and Kief. Perfect medical and recreational use. Cannabis connoisseurs are…
Cannabis Moon Rocks
Blue Dream is one the top marijuana strains of 2018 What is Blue Dream? Hybrid | Buy Marijuana Online | Buy Weed online | Entirecannabis As a hybrid between Blueberry…
Blue Dream is one the top marijuana strains of 2018
Marijuana treats Anorexia Nervosa What is Anorexia? Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological and potentially life-threatening eating disorder. Those suffering from this eating disorder are typically suffering from an extremely…
Marijuana treats Anorexia Nervosa
This simply means that you can be treated with Marijuana without ever getting high. Cannabis indica and sativa are the two main cannabis strains that produce the pharmacological principles…